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About me:

  I was born in 1983 in Isfahan. After obtaining my high school diploma, I moved to Tehran to study at Tehran Azad University, where I received my Bachelor in painting and Master degree in illustration.

I’ve already been a story-teller first, long before I stumbled upon painting. It’s all started with telling childish imaginary pieces to my mom when I was so little. Until the day when I picked up a pencil and discovered another medium to express myself. 

Persian rug Patterns and Persian mosaics symbolizes most of my artwork and makes them closer to symbolic style. Different characters that each of which tells their own story while all together become united to express a whole picture of my story. That made me to become an illustrator who works with different authors to illustrate their book. 

There is no surprise the painting is the love of my life, but traveling is also the blood in my veins. I’m endlessly inspired by nature and adventures. I love walking up to new horizons, making friends with people, and exploring the world.

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